Daily Schedule:
9:00am- Drop Off
9:00-9:30am Ice Breaker Game
9:30-10:30 am First Teacher led activity
10:30-10:45am Cleaning up/Wash Hands/Snack Time
10:45-12:00pm Second Teacher Led Activity
12:00-1:00pm Lunch Time
1:00-2:00pm Third Teacher Led Activity
2:00-3:00pm Fourth Teacher Led Activity
3:00-3:30pm Snack Time
3:30-4:00pm Fifth Teacher Led Activity
4:00pm Pick Up
Camp Details:
1:10 Jolly Teacher Ratio
Camp hours runs from 9am-4pm
Early Drop off add on at 8am for an addition $30/week
Late Pick up add on at 4pm-6pm for an additional $50/week

Week 1: Super Mario
Date: July 4-7th, 2023
Field Trip: Black Creek Pioneer Village, July 5th, 2023
This Unit is meant to be fun! But it also serving as a useful ice- breaker-style Unit to build confidence and comfort in the group in both speaking and technology use. Mario themes will enhance the work by giving students a familiar set of ideas to work with.
Day 1 - Introductions, Assessments, introduction to drama and youtube
Day 2 - Field Trip Day
Day 3- Dramatic performance practice, public speaking practice, fun example
Preparing for a class performance, deciding on topics/roles, practicing short-form recording (performance will be & lt`s 5mins)
Day 4 - Performance day - students rehearse, give a dramatic performance, and study the youtube
video made during the performance.
Week 2: Lego City
Date: July 10th-14th, 2023
Field Trip: Medieval Times, July 13th, 2023
This Unit is meant to be comprehensive, teaching a lot of skills and incorporating technology throughout the week. But still fun! The use of the lego theme throughout the week will improve students connections with the
Day 1 - Introduction to architecture/sculpting, setting up the success criteria for the creation
of “jolly jolly city” out of Legos (assessments A/B)
Day 2 - Ideas day - Students make blueprints, plan, and prepare to
build jolly jolly city. Assessment A at end of day
Day 3 - Building day - Students complete construction of jolly jolly city
Day 4: Field Trip Day
Day 5 - Recording day -Students and teacher make videos about jolly jolly city, discuss characters that students would want to live in this city. Give assessment B at end of day.

Week 3: Week in the Life of Ryan Kaji
Date: July 17th-21st, 2023
Field Trip: Brooks Farm, July 19th, 2023
This Unit will continue to build on the other aspects of both language development and creativity - incorporating painting techniques as well as chances for students to include characters created for jolly jolly city in their paintings, and teacher assistance in making videos. Ryan’s world and the use of toys in learning and painting
objects is incorporated here as well!
Day 1 - Introduction to painting, colors, principles of design, setting up the success criteria for thecreation of a painting or multiple mall paintings (assessments A/B)
Day 2 - Ideas day - Student make a proposal for their art piece - What jolly jolly character will they paint about? Assessment A at end of day
Day 3- Field Trip Day
Day 4- Painting day - Students complete their paintings
Day 5 - Recording day - Students and teacher make videos about the paintings created, discuss characters that students put in their paintings. Give assessment B at end of day.
Week 4: Encanto
Date: July 24th-27th, 2023
Field Trip: Famous People Players, July 25th, 2023
This Unit will be a culmination of everything the students have l earned, with a firm emphasis on the “fun” of making videos. The teacher will end the camp by giving student very basic introductions to the world of “content creation”. Using Encanto as a theme will help us integrate the ideas of movies into content creation.
Day 1 - Introduction to YouTube video recording and uploading, setting up the success criteria for the creation of a video or multiple small videos (assessment A)
Day 2 - Field Trip Day
Day 3- Ideas day - Student make a proposal for their video - What jolly jolly character/painting/Encanto character/activity will they make a video about?
Day 4 - Recording day - Students complete their videos and submit to the jolly jolly youtube channel. Assessment A at end of day
Day 5 - Final day - Students and teacher discuss the camp, talk about their favorite things, and potentially show parents their creations. Give assessment B at beginning of day.